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REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA - Skopski region Skopje - Kuzman Josifovski Pitu 30 mezanin local 4
We bring excellence and quality in sheet metal fabrication and electrical enclosures. Through creativity and standards our goal is for the customers to be satisfied. Our motto is that quality is the best business plan. Quality means doing it right when no one is looking. That's the best kind of advertising. In order to succeed we design and produce satisfaction.

REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA - Vardarski region Veles - Akademik Penco Davcev 125
The company UNISTAR TRADE was founded in 1992 as a private company for trade and production 100% private capital. The desire for sustained growth and development, the great challenges over the years, have contributed to UNISTAR TRADE to expand its business portfolio in several areas. - Printing house for offset and screen printing; - Department for food products; - Department of production of industrial machinery for food; - Design engineering; ρεπλίκα - Production of metal structures and construction of industrial production halls and warehouse space. - Trade in machinery and raw materials for markets, meat and dairy industry, general representative for electronic weighers from the program of DIGI - TERAOKA SEIKO from Japan.

REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA - Pelagonia Bitola - Kravarski pat bb Carinski terminal Bitola
Through longtime work and knowledge acquired in the freight forwarding and custom taxation domain, we managed to create quality team that eases the complete process of import and export of goods in maximally efficient and simple way.

REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA - Pelagonia Bitola - Voden 28
SG Logistics is a company that enables timely, prompt and quality organization of customs mediation in import, export and transit of goods. Our service covers the entire import and export of goods to / from abroad. The freight forwarding services we offer are: - Import / export customs clearance of goods - Import / export of passenger motor vehicles, freight motor vehicles, special vehicles and motorcycles. - Temporary import of goods. - Customs clearance of temporary imported goods. - Preparation of transit documentation. - Reexport - Customs warehousing. - Preparation of TIR certificates for freight motor vehicles. - Mediation in the clearance of all import / export / transit licenses.

REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA - Pelagonia Bitola - Voden 28
Road transport or road transportation is a type of transport by using roads. Transport on roads can be roughly grouped into the transportation of goods and transportation of people. In many countries licensing requirements and safety regulations ensure a separation of the two industries. Trucking companies (AE) or haulage companies / hauliers (BE) accept cargo for road transport. Truck drivers operate either independently – working directly for the client – or through freight carriers or shipping agents like our company.